Manitoba Arabs Gather for Eid al-Fitr, First Time in Two Years

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Manitoba Arabs Gather for Eid al-Fitr, First Time in Two Years

The Arabs of Manitoba, after two years of difficulty meeting each other, finally gather in one place to celebrate Eid al-Fitr.

This episode will present an exceptional celebration for the Arab community with their children and families eating, playing, and having fun times in this warm celebration. More than 300 people attended the ceremony and participated in the events, and everyone was happy and safe.

 The eighth episode of "Civic Platform" features Afif Mutawe, Event Coordinator of The Arab Forum in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mutawe tells us about the history of this celebration and its importance to the Arab community in Winnipeg, and what are the results that they come out with after that family gathering.

 Mutawe, for many years, has helped the Winnipeg Arab community and provided support through his long experience. He focused on helping youth and children to find new friends from their community. Also, he helps parents get to know each other to be a more extensive network and be one family in Winnipeg. Mutawe also talked about how this event helps newcomers introduce themselves to the residents to learn from their experience and perhaps get some valuable information that will help them settle in Winnipeg.

 In this episode, too, "Civic Platform" interviewed the volunteers and participants. They explained their roles in helping the Arab community, their joy and the reason for their presence and what they benefit from this celebration. There is more and more, so watch our episode, and we are waiting for your feedback in the comments.

 Contact Zuher Almusre, our civic journalist, to share your story and explore civic issues at

Stay tuned for more Civic discussions on Civic Platform.



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Video Upload Date: May 5, 2022

U Multicultural is the ethnocultural media channel established with the objective of serving the diverse communities and contributing to the dynamic multicultural identity of Manitoba and Canada by offering accessible multi-ethnic television and radio services that offer information programming and other high-quality programming focused on ethnocultural communities of Canada.


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