Community Services, Parks, and Protection are all Priorities for the City of Winnipeg - Part 1

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Community Services, Parks, and Protection are all Priorities for the City of Winnipeg - Part 1

With the advent of summer, the City of Winnipeg is preparing to protect its citizens in open spaces and public parks, especially with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which serves as a large challenge for society alongside the decision to open up and return to normalcy.

This episode will present a talk given at Winnipeg City Hall, which hosted several expert speakers to share their experience in this field. The session was titled Protection, Community Services and Parks.

This session is divided into two episodes of "Civic Platform". The first part features Carol Phillips, Executive Director, Winnipeg Arts Council - Winnipeg. Phillips has held various positions in the arts in Winnipeg and has honored Canada in many international forums.

During her administration, Phillips succeeded in proving her ability and superiority in the field of the arts and sought to develop the arts with determination and determination until it brought Canadian artists to the world stage.

Phillips also sought to highlight the arts of the indigenous people in a wonderful way that highlights their ancient and unique art history.

Also featured in this episode is Michael Jack, Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Winnipeg. Jack oversees all aspects of Winnipeg's public service, and contributes to the city's programs toward homelessness, safe downtown, and affordable housing.

This was just a quick summary of the first section, with more to come in the second section of “Community Services, Parks, and Protection are all Priorities for the City of Winnipeg.”

Contact Zuher Almusre, our civic journalist, to share your story and explore civic issues at

Stay tuned for more Civic discussions on Civic Platform.



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Video Upload Date: July 6, 2022

U Multicultural is the ethnocultural media channel established with the objective of serving the diverse communities and contributing to the dynamic multicultural identity of Manitoba and Canada by offering accessible multi-ethnic television and radio services that offer information programming and other high-quality programming focused on ethnocultural communities of Canada.


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