Community Mourns Missing and Murdered while Government Stalls

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Community Mourns Missing and Murdered while Government Stalls

Montreal came together for the annual march for missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, two-spirit and trans people (MMIWG2ST) on October 4.

If I ever go missing, I didn't go freely – I love my children too much to leave them," said Angela Ottreyes, a speaker at the MMIW2ST vigil and an Indigenous woman from the Cree Nation of Waskaganish. "I I ever go missing, find me, find my body and give my children peace."

The march was posted by the Iskweu Project, an initiative by the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal. This project provides immediate help for families that have an Indigenous woman, girl, two-spirit or trans family member that has gone missing.

"I have known three people who were taken from us, two in my family, two in my community – and one is very, very recent," said Ottreyes.

"I, as an Indigenous woman, am 12 times more likely to be murdered or missing, a number that is higher, even higher, in the north." she said. "I worry every day for my daughters. I worry they will go missing. I worry they will get sexually assaulted, raped or even murdered. I shouldn't have to worry like that every day."

Performances were presented, including Traveling Spirit Drum and a traditional dance by Stephanie Brazeau, a speaker at the MMIW2ST vigil and an Anishinaabe woman from Lac Simon.

More than 4,000 Indigenous woman, girls, two-spirit or trans people have been missing or murdered in Canada in the last 30 years.

Multiple calls to action have been outlined in multiple reports, including the the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. However, many of these calls have not been addressed.


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Video Upload Date: October 6, 2023

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