93 Possible Unmarked Graves at Former Site of Beauval Indian Residential School

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93 Possible Unmarked Graves at Former Site of Beauval Indian Residential School

In the summer of 2021, English River First Nation of Treaty Ten Territory called for a GPR (ground penetrating radar) search on the grounds of the former Beauval Indian Residential School. The results were released to the public this August 2023, and a special Council of Elders and Survivors was created to guide the leadership and investigation. The next phase will take into account Survivor stories, and searching government and church records.

Our interview with Dawn Opekokew-McIntyre updates the findings and community protocols that ERFN has followed to address these sensitive and complex issues. The process of confirming these findings and stories is expected to take 2-3 years, and for further information on the findings or investigation, the contact number is 306 396 2066.

The story includes a previous recording of then Chief Cadmus Delorme sharing his experience and knowledge of the GPR technology and his community protocols in dealing with their unmarked graves discovery at Cowessess First Nation of Treaty Four Territory.

This story may be triggering as it covers a sensitive topic. Our hearts and prayers go out the survivors and family members of those that never made it home. It is an important part of our history that should never be forgotten. We only look at ways to move forward and heal. The steps taken this past summer is a small but large step towards reconciliation. The more attention we bring to these issues, the sooner the rest of the world will have a true perspective of what the history books may have left out and tried to burry. 


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Video Upload Date: October 1, 2023

Sipisishk Communications was incorporated in February 1985 with the mandate of providing improved communication services for Beauval and area. Over the decades with help and assistance of growing technologies and amazing staff, CIPI has continued to stay true to its original mandate of providing Beauval and area with improved communication services.

Treaty 10 Territory

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