TCHC, Daniels and Tridel hosts Community Update Meeting with Regent Park residents.

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TCHC, Daniels and Tridel hosts Community Update Meeting with Regent Park residents.

By Fred Alvarado Fred is a community journalist with FOCUS MEDIA ARTS CENTRE

Regent Park experienced a vibrant community gathering on February 29th, as Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC), Daniels, and Tridel hosted a lively Community Update Meeting at the Regent Park Community Centre. This event served as a platform to inform residents about the progress of Phases 1 to 5 of the neighborhood revitalization project, upcoming initiatives, job training opportunities, relocation plans, and engagement strategies.

Representatives from Daniels, Tridel, TCHC, and the City of Toronto provided comprehensive updates and insights into the ongoing revitalization efforts. The meeting agenda, expertly moderated by Julio Rigores, TCHC Tenant Engagement System Manager, facilitated meaningful dialogue between stakeholders and community members. Live music and delicious food added to the vibrant atmosphere of the event.

Distinguished speakers, including Chris Moise, City Councillor for Ward 13 Toronto Centre, and representatives from Daniels, Tridel, Architects Alliance, and TCHC, shared their perspectives on the future of Regent Park. The meeting culminated in an interactive session where residents voiced their thoughts, concerns, and aspirations regarding the revitalization process. This open exchange of ideas underscored the importance of community involvement and demonstrated a collective commitment to ensuring that the revitalization efforts align with the needs and aspirations of all residents.

In a subsequent interview, Wil Mendez, Toronto Community Housing's Director of Program Delivery, highlighted the significance of community gatherings like the Community Update Meeting. He emphasized the importance of the Community Benefits Engagement Process and the role of the Community Benefits Oversight Working Group in driving positive change within the community.

Following the meeting, Walied Khogali, a prominent leader and member of the Regent Park Neighbourhood Association (RPNA) and the Social Development Plan (SDP) Co-chair, addressed critical concerns arising from the approval of Phases 4 & 5. Khogali stressed the importance of achieving balance and affordability within the neighborhood and advocated for a resident-driven approach to community development. He urged residents to engage with city officials and emphasized the need to preserve Regent Park's roots while embracing inclusivity and sustainability in the face of urban transformation. Through proactive engagement with municipal leaders, the RPNA aims to ensure that residents' voices are heard and that the principles of affordability and community welfare are upheld as Regent Park evolves.


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Video Upload Date: March 19, 2024

Focus Media Arts (anciennement Regent Park Focus) est un organisme à but non lucratif qui a été créé en 1990 pour contrer les stéréotypes négatifs sur la communauté de Regent Park et fournir des interventions aux jeunes à haut risque vivant dans la région.

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