People in Action: How Community Librarians Shape New Westminster

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People in Action: How Community Librarians Shape New Westminster

Libraries have always been a cornerstone of communities. They excel at providing a space for learning, exploration, and gathering. In this set of interviews, community librarians Liz Hunter and Logan Shea are more than just keepers of books. They are also connectors, facilitators, and advocates for the community. They are experts at helping both newcomers and longtime residents find the information they need. By working closely with local social organizations, they show how libraries can be the hub for connecting community.
In this interview with NewWest TV host Deni Loubert, they talk about how they collaborate with local organizations to foster partnerships that benefit the community as a whole. Liz and Logan illustrate how they expand their reach into the community. This allows them to identify what works for everyone. They then create a wider range of programs and services to address the evolving needs of New Westminster's diverse population.
They discuss with the host how community librarians are essential contributors to the social and educational fabric of the city. Through their dedication, empathy, and innovation, they play a critical role in ensuring that the library remains a welcoming and inclusive space for all members of the community. Their commitment to serving the needs of the people of New Westminster makes them true champions of knowledge and community enrichment.
"This is a very different take on librarianship," says librarian Liz Hunter. "We are going out and meeting people where they are." This ability to meet the local residents on their turf is vital. Not everyone can feel a library is a welcome space. With the help of community librarians like Liz and Logan, maybe more New Westminster residents can change that. 


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