Afrique au Féminin's Campaign to Renovate their New Location

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Afrique au Féminin's Campaign to Renovate their New Location

Afrique au feminine is an organization here in Montreal that seeks to serve newcomer women all across the city and is based in park extension. The organization used to operate out of the William Hingston building in park extension along with other community organizations. Unfortunately last year the building had to shut down due to renovations and displaced all community organizations including Afrique au feminine.

CUTV journalist Neha Chollangi talks to Rose Ndjel, director of the organization, about how this closure has impacted their organization and their services and about their newest campaign to raise funds to renovate the new building that the organization has acquired. 

Ndjel explains that the beauty of the William-Hingston building was that many organizations serving immigrants were in the same place. So if a woman comes to Afrique au Feminin and they need to refer her to another organization, she could just find her way in the same building. Now that all these organizations have been displaced, it makes it difficult, especially as a newcomer may have to navigate to different locations across the city for these services.

Even within their own organization, Afrique au Feminin is split between two buildings currently and have had to scale down their many services. They are currently raising money through a campaign, 'A roof for the women in Park Ex', to do renovations on a new building they have acquired for the organization. Rose says that they will be able to resume their regular services once the building is running and functional.


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Video Upload Date: April 3, 2024

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