Barrie City Council Debates Outsourcing EV Charging Stations; Concerns Over Outside Control Remain

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Barrie City Council Debates Outsourcing EV Charging Stations; Concerns Over Outside Control Remain

The City of Barrie is exploring third-party providers to install and upgrade electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. During Tuesday’s general committee meeting at Barrie City Hall, Ward 9 Councilor Sergio Morales proposed an amendment concerning electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. 

The original motion proposes outsourcing the management and upgrading of the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) in the downtown area. 
1. Installation and Upgrade: Third-party provider to install and upgrade downtown EVSE at no cost to the City.
2. Location Decisions: Provider to decide on the number and locations of EVSE, in consultation with the City.
3. Operational Management: Provider responsible for managing maintenance, client services, and fee collection.
4. Maintenance Costs: All operating and maintenance costs are to be handled by the third-party provider.
5. Data Reporting: The provider must supply the City with usage data for the EVSE.

The amendment by Morales aimed to prioritize cost recovery over profit in the management of these stations. The discussion revealed a plan to outsource the operation and maintenance of the city’s EV charging infrastructure to third parties. It sparked a lengthy debate among council members about the implications of such a move.

Key points of the discussion included:

- The amendment intended to ensure that third-party operators could make a profit but not excessively, aiming for a balance that would allow operational sustainability without overly commercializing the service.

- Concerns were raised about managing this new technology and the potential need for the city to intervene if market-driven solutions did not meet public service goals.

- Some council members expressed apprehension about relinquishing too much control over a significant and growing market like EV charging infrastructure, emphasizing the need for strategic management and oversight.

- The dialogue also touched on the technical and financial aspects of transitioning from city-managed to third-party-operated charging stations, including considerations about future expansions, contract terms, and the implications of grant funding.

In the discussion, specific financial figures and considerations related to the EV charging stations were mentioned:

1. Costs of Installation and Maintenance:
   - It was noted that the installation of the charging infrastructure, initially supported by Tesla, had no cost to the Barrie taxpayers. Tesla covered all costs, including the concrete and installation, which was mentioned to be between $250,000 to $300,000.

2. Hydro Costs and Operational Expenses:
   - The largest portion of ongoing costs mentioned related to hydro (electricity), although specific figures for these costs were not detailed in the summary. There was a concern about the ability to manage these costs effectively under the proposed outsourcing model. 

3. Potential Revenue and Subsidies:
   - The potential for accessing grant funding was discussed, with specific reference to a $90 million fund from the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) for EV charging stations. The city's eligibility and strategy for tapping into this fund were questioned, particularly in how it would interact with outsourced operations. 

4. ROI and Financial Feasibility:
   - Detailed ROI or specific revenue figures from third-party operations weren’t explicitly stated. However, the concern was to ensure the city did not incur losses from managing the infrastructure, rather than generating profit.


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Video Upload Date: April 30, 2024

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