With Christmas Approaching, Winnipeggers are Finding Inflation One of Their Biggest Challenges

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With Christmas Approaching, Winnipeggers are Finding Inflation One of Their Biggest Challenges

A festive experience at "All I Want for Christmas," hosted at Garden City Collegiate by Trinity Events, was more than just a seasonal celebration. It aims to help Winnipeg residents build connections, make friends, and support local businesses. 

Jennie Lee Paraiso, an event planner, said inflation is a major concern for many as the prices of food and items continue to skyrocket. 

"With Christmas approaching and people trying to find affordable options, having a community-based event like this, with vendors offering locally made products prices as low as a dollar and, encourages community support and provides an opportunity for people to afford the things they buy." 

An important aspect of the event is that it helps Winnipeg residents build connections and make friends. But it does not stop there. "All I Want for Christmas" is also dedicated to supporting small business owners, fostering growth, and ensuring that Winnipeggers find everything they need for Christmas at affordable prices. 

Paraiso added that it's a great opportunity for vendors to highlight their wares and to network with others in their community. 

"It is a fantastic way for all the vendors to be in one spot so that people in the community can come and shop locally. These items are affordable and much more budget-friendly than those in stores because the makers themselves set the prices. Unlike stores with high overhead costs, vendors in events like these can offer better prices. They have the choice of how they want to price their items." 

Imagine a space where the festive cheer is not about decorations and carols but also about supporting local businesses and creating a sense of community. That's what "All I Want for Christmas" is. It was a day where the holiday spirit was intertwined with the spirit of collaboration and support for one another. 

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The project is funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage and administered by the Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations (CACTUS). 


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Video Upload Date: November 16, 2023

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