A year round ferry for Campobello Island?

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A year round ferry for Campobello Island?

Education Minister Dominic Cardy made a stop in St. Stephen Monday as part "Future of Education" tour across the province. Cardy was at St. Stephen High School Monday night to get feedback from locals about what they believe would make for a more effective education system. 

"My hope is that, as we work to create a better education system, New Brunswickers see themselves in that system," said Cardy. "If you want to have a discussion about education in your area, let me know. I will show up." 

Cardy's tour is taking him to upwards of 40 different communities around the province, and he's open to visiting even more.

Kathy Bockus, the Progressive Conservative candidate for the upcoming St. Croix byelection, hosted a meet and greet on Campobello Island on Sunday. Bockus met with locals to hear about the unique issues affecting their region.

"My whole career as a former journalist was about meeting people on the ground and hearing from them. That's where your information is," said Bockus, about why she chose to make the trip to Campobello to meet with locals. 

Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Bill Oliver came to the Campobello event in support of Bockus and to better acquaint himself with local islanders and their concerns, particularly concerns unique to living on an island without a year-round ferry service. 

"I was surprised by some of the different opinions on the ferry itself," said Oliver. 

How politicians choose to address the need for a year-round ferry to Campobello could easily be a deciding factor when it comes to islanders casting their votes in the upcoming by-election or general election. Campobello native Justin Tinker is a member of a local committee pushing for a year-round ferry to the island. 

"The year-round ferry and not having year-round access has impacted the island both in terms of population and the economy," said Tinker. "The economic engine has stalled out over the last 20 years. The population has dropped by roughly a third. Meanwhile the rest of New Brunswick is holding steady while we are lagging behind. No small part of that is due to the complexities of accessing the island and getting to the mainland from here."

The committee's current focus is making sure all levels of government are aware of the current issues Campobello is facing.

Finally, the first ever Charlotte County Heritage Fair took place on Saturday at the Garcelon. Organized by the Charlotte County Archives, the event featured display booth from 16 different heritage groups from all over the county. Event goers were also able to watch 20 short films about our region's rich history.  Hundreds of visitors came out to the event--a telltale sign that Heritage Fair will become an annual Charlotte County tradition for years to come.


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Video Upload Date: February 25, 2020

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