Town of St. Stephen Celebrates 150 Years

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Town of St. Stephen Celebrates 150 Years

The Town of St. Stephen celebrates in 150th anniversary in 2021. Although the pandemic has complicated original plans for the 2021 anniversary year, the town has pivoted to adapt its birthday plans, starting with a virtual New Year's Day kick off with local musicians such as Shawn Richard and playing a live-streamed concert at the Garcelon Civic Centre.

Since the kick off on January 1st, the town has been celebrating its birthday and its national reputation as “Canada’s Chocolate Town” by having monthly chocolate recipe contests with a new winner being named every month. The winners' recipes will be compiled at the end of the year and featured in a commenorative recipe book. 

"People are invited to enter this contest from across Canada, so it's our way of inviting everyone who loves St. Stephen to join in the celebrations of our 150th anniversary year," said Michelle Anderson Vest, Town of St. Stephen Events Coordinator. "We understand that not everyone who wants to be here to celebrate with us is able to be here, due to COVID-19. We want everyone to feel like they can take part in the celebrations. This is a fun way to make that happen. We post each winning entry online every month"

St. Stephen also famously shares an international border and a long connected history with Calais, Maine. Having many of the 150 events online allows the Town's American neighbours to feel a part of the celebrations during the pandemic. 

St. Stephen plans to kick off the actual birthdate of the town with some local events at the Garcelon and around the community. A strict COVID-19 operational plan will be in place to ensure the safety of all those who choose to attend.

"Our anniversary date is May 17, so we are doing 'Celebrate St. Stephen' from the 15 to the 17," said Vest. "Follow Town of St. Stephen on Facebook to see all the latest events and activities."


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Video Upload Date: April 16, 2021

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