Manitoba Government Making Improvements to Immigration Policies and Programs

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Manitoba Government Making Improvements to Immigration Policies and Programs

Minister Jon Reyes Announces Manitoba Government Making Improvements to Immigration Policies and Programs.

The Honourable Jon Reyes, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills, and Immigration and Co-Chair of the Immigration Advisory Council, invited Winnipeggers to attend a public meeting at the Winnipeg Grand Mosque. The meeting was to inform on its recommendations on improvements and enhancements to Manitoba's current immigration policies and programs.  

Created in February 2022, the Manitoba Immigration Advisory Council serves as an expert panel to recommend improvements to current immigration policies and programs.

This episode of "Civic Platform" features Minister Jon Reyes, who discusses the importance of this meeting, which contains a lot of information that needs clarification for many immigrants who do not have clear sources for their knowledge. Many of them have challenges related to education, work and residence. They need someone to guide them to the latest laws and updates that may serve them and benefit them properly.  

Reyes explained about the period that immigrants were exposed to high challenges during the Corona pandemic, which caused the suspension of immigration files, which led to the division of families into two halves, some of whom arrived in Canada. The other half remained in their home country. This episode also will be an overview of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program as well as stakeholder presentations, followed by a question-and-answer period for those in attendance.  

Contact Zuher Almusre, our civic journalist, to share your story and explore civic issues at   

Stay tuned for more Civic discussions on Civic Platform.   



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Video Upload Date: August 20, 2022

U Multicultural is the ethnocultural media channel established with the objective of serving the diverse communities and contributing to the dynamic multicultural identity of Manitoba and Canada by offering accessible multi-ethnic television and radio services that offer information programming and other high-quality programming focused on ethnocultural communities of Canada.


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