Harvesting Wiikenh/Sweet Flag with Mark Eshkawkogan

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Harvesting Wiikenh/Sweet Flag with Mark Eshkawkogan

Medicine Picking & Identification with Mark Eshkawkogan in the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory on Mnidoo Mnising - July 15th, 2020

In this episode, Mark teaches us about wiikenh, or 'sweet flag'. Once again, with his dog Charming, we venture out onto the land, and into a swamp in the Rabbit Island area of Wiikwemkoong to find the wiikenh root amongst the reptiles, frogs, snakes, and spiders. Wiikenh is used for sore throats and colds and flus, and is often used by powwow singers to soothe their throats. It is extremely bitter, but it is a fast acting medicine with instant results.

Mark also reminds us to keep hydrated while out on the land. We are picking wiikenh in mid July, while the weather is warm, so as not to get hypothermia while sitting in a swamp. But we must be cognizant of the heat, and not to over exert ourselves. Most importantly though, we should be having fun!

We also learn that wiikenh is good for COVID-19 symptoms, but also, being outside and getting fresh air is an important way to keep healthy. As Mark says, "we are the universe", so let's get out there and enjoy it! Nahaaw miigwetch!


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Video Upload Date: July 15, 2020

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