Winnipeg's West Broadway Farmers' Market Extended to mid-October

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Winnipeg's West Broadway Farmers' Market Extended to mid-October

The West Broadway Farmers' Market has extended their season because of the exceptional growing season this year.

The gathering celebrates the local harvest and natural foods and items. Winnipeggers can pick up groceries and grow their connection to nature while supporting the economy and local business. 

Journalist Zuher Almusre spoke with Mara Tolks, a volunteer at West Broadway Farmers' Market, to get more details. Tolks said that this year the products were particularly good. We had everything that we had last year. Fresh eggs and tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, potatoes, radishes have been plentiful every week here.

Almusre spoke with another volunteer, Katherine Carruthers. She said, "The rising food price is getting unbearable and unreasonable for many families. When you come here, the food is home grown and very nutritious. You might as well get top quality, and this is a place to get the top quality."

Nick Turnbull, a farmer at Wild Song Acres, summed up this year's growing season. "This year's been a pretty great growing season. It was extremely hot at the beginning of the spring, so everything got off to a good start and then we had you know regular rain where we are in White Mouth Manitoba. And we had steady rain all summer long. I know other parts of the province experienced drought this summer, but we did not really have any. Two years ago we were in a severe drought the entire summer, so it was good this year."

West Broadway Farmers' Market is located at 185 Young St. in Winnipeg. It's open every Wednesday, July to September from 3pm to 6pm. This year an extended season will see it run into mid-October.


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Video Upload Date: September 27, 2023

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