Clarence Rockland Expo: A Showcase of Community Spirit

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Clarence Rockland Expo: A Showcase of Community Spirit

By Izabela Daszkiewicz

The Clarence Rockland Expo wrapped up its festivities, leaving behind a trail of community engagement and spirited initiatives.

Among the vibrant exhibitors was Jake from the Clarence Rockland Ghostbusters, showcasing their passion for the iconic Ghostbusters franchise. Beyond the allure of movie props and collectibles, the group highlighted its commitment to supporting local charities. At the Expo, they collected donations for Ukrainian humanitarian aid and sold raffle tickets for a cause close to their hearts.

Diana Kirkwood, representing Radio CJRC Clarence Rockland, shared the station's mission to serve as a bilingual community radio hub. Broadcasting emergency news, local updates, sports, and a mix of music spanning the 70s to the 90s, the station aims to be a 24/7 source of connection for the community.

Stephanie Marcil, of the Rockland Community Garden, expressed excitement about building Rockland's first community garden. Seeking funds and sponsors, the project plans to start small with 24 beds this year, with hopes of expanding in the future.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) had a booth dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of impaired driving. The booth underscored the human toll of impaired driving, with a poignant display of victims lost to such incidents. A representative emphasized the importance of stopping impaired driving and spreading awareness.

The 137 Royal Canadian Army Cadets Corps announced its arrival in Rockland in September, offering a free youth program focusing on outdoor activities, survival skills, and competitions in biathlons and marksmanship.

Finally, Elizabeth, the Expo organizer, recapped the event, mentioning a crowd-pleasing performance by JoJo and the presence of over 125 exhibitors. She invited everyone to mark their calendars for next year's Expo, promising updates by October or November.

The Clarence Rockland Expo proved once again to be a melting pot of community spirit, showcasing the diverse initiatives and organizations that make the region vibrant and interconnected.


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Video Upload Date: July 14, 2023

Un organisme sans but lucratif fondé en 1990, TVC22 est une télévision communautaire autonome.  TVC22 a pour mission de mettre la communauté de Clarence-Rockland et des environs en valeur à travers la réalisation et la diffusion de projets télévisuels basés sur les préoccupations des gens de chez nous. Elle privilégie l’implication communautaire dans les divers aspects de sa production.


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