Exploring New Horizons: Challenges Faced by Immigrants and Newcomers in BC

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Exploring New Horizons: Challenges Faced by Immigrants and Newcomers in BC

Discussing hope and resiliency is crucial for addressing civic issues and empowering our communities to thrive. When exploring the ways people enter BC Canada to start a new life, it becomes evident that newcomers often face challenges in accessing essential services for adjustment and integration into Canadian society. Recognizing the need for a support system, Poran Poregbal and Samira Gholam, the hosts of Today TV, engage in a conversation with Mehdi A. Tafti, an immigrant consultant to shed light on civic matters affecting the immigrant community.

Mehdi elaborates on the various requirements for newcomers, emphasizing the importance of skills, language proficiency, and meeting the criteria for open work permits, student visas, or spousal visas. However, the reality is that some newcomers or individuals with work permits may encounter situations where they are underpaid and face abuse from employers.

Poran reacts to stories of exploitation, highlighting instances where newcomers and refugees are hired without receiving fair wages.

Addressing this issue, Mehdi said "Newcomers and refugees must learn not to agree with potentially abusive employers and report the problems. It's vital to appreciate the support programs available and explore your options, ensuring that there is always a path towards a brighter future in this new home." He advises newcomers to resist agreeing to potentially abusive conditions and encourages reporting problems to the appropriate authorities. He expresses appreciation for existing support programs and emphasizes the importance of newcomers exploring their options. Samira seeks clarification from Mehdi about the distinctions between programs that facilitate entry into Canada, such as Federal Skilled Workers and Federal Skilled Trade Classes, which are provincial initiatives outlining conditions for accepting immigrants.

Poran said "It's disheartening to hear stories of exploitation where newcomers and refugees are hired without receiving their rightful wages. We need to shed light on these injustices and empower individuals to stand up for their rights and fair treatment in our Canadian community."

Samira stressed the critical importance of recognizing that this knowledge serves as a catalyst, empowering immigrants to make informed decisions. Such informed choices not only enhance individual resilience but also collectively contribute to the strength and vitality of our community as newcomers navigate their journey in this new country with confidence.

In conclusion, Poran and Samira engage with Mehdi to inspire immigrants, newcomers, and refugees to educate themselves about their rights and responsibilities within the Canadian context. The video underscores the prevalence of issues like underpayment, sexual harassment, and abuse within immigrant communities, where victims often fear reporting incidents due to the threat of deportation. Recognizing the gravity of this problem, the hosts stress the importance of reaching out and making use of available support programs. By sharing these stories and encouraging individuals to contact authorities and government agencies, the video aims to dispel the darkness surrounding victimization and fear, emphasizing that there is light and support available for those in need.


Volunteer Hosts:

Poran Poregbal MA, RSW, RCC Doctoral Candidate in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Samira Gholami, BA, MA Candidate Psychotherapist, Co-Founder, Director of Operations Member of (CCPA)

Producer and Journalist:

Sherry Soltani

Skyrise Media Society


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Video Upload Date: January 17, 2024

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