Job Search Challenges for Newcomers in British Columbia: Strategies for Success

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Job Search Challenges for Newcomers in British Columbia: Strategies for Success

The immigrant population in the province of British Columbia is growing every day. The majority of immigrants are individuals who, without any prior work experience in Canada, are searching for suitable employment opportunities. However, due to significant social differences, many immigrants in this province may struggle with preparing their resumes and approaching employers.

Founder of Dr. Job Employment Agency, Farid Gharavizad, who has twenty years of experience in assisting with job placement and crafting effective resumes for immigrants, shares his insights, beginning by discussing his own background and the previous experiences he and his friends in job hunting, highlighting the challenges that arise in finding employment.

He emphasizes the importance of correctly drafting a resume and cover letter, stating that a good resume should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for, and stresses the significance of seeking advice from experts, noting that their experience and expertise can streamline the job search process.

Farid then addresses Iranian immigrants, advising them to prioritize learning English, and emphasizes the need to initially set lower expectations and start with simpler jobs. Farid suggests that in specialized fields, it is necessary to upgrade the relevant skills to be legally eligible for technical jobs within the community otherwise, one may need to work alongside someone who holds official work permission.

Farid's recommendations, backed by two decades of experience, could prove to be crucial and effective for new immigrants in the province of British Columbia. He underscores the abundance of government institutions ready to assist new immigrants, making it highly beneficial for newcomers to seek guidance from these organizations.


Journalist: Majid Mahichi

Skyrise Media Society


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Video Upload Date: January 24, 2024

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