St. Andrews Approves New Wharf and Market Square Rehabilitation Project

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St. Andrews Approves New Wharf and Market Square Rehabilitation Project

The January 15, 2024, regular council meeting for the Town of St. Andrews encompassed a wide range of topics, from finance and administration to public works and safety, economic development, planning and community development, recreation, and environment. Notable discussions included the approval of the hybrid infill and steel pile option for the Market Wharf and Market Square rehabilitation project meant to address climate change. 

"Personally, I believe the hybrid infill and steel pile berm is probably the best option in terms of coming up with a solid action plan to address climate change and ageing infrastructure at Market Wharf," said Councillor Kurt Gumu Although it is nearly $2 million more expensive than the infill berm option, the steel piles will likely have the least impact on currents and therefore be less likely to increase the sedimentation along the waterfront. The hybrid option also allows the community to address climate change while doing our utmost to maintain the look and feel of the current wharf. Meaning that, in the words of my grade five student, Abby Johnson, it would be both practical and pretty. The difference of $2 million and one extra month's construction time isn't enough to make me vote for the infill berm. But the difference in cost is significant and made this a difficult decision to make." 

Councillor Lee Keenan echoed Gumuchel, insisting that the recent winter storms have him convinced the hybrid infill and steel pile option is necessary.

"After the storm and after seeing Market square in such dire straits, it's the town's heart, so we need to do it," said Heenan. "And so I am supporting the hybrid infill and steel pile construction."

Council voted unanimously in favour of the going ahead with the hybrid infill and steel pile option, which was notably also the public's preferred option during public consultation sessions.

The addition of an administrative assistant and a recreational leader to the town's human resource pool was approved to meet the growing needs of the municipality and enhance community services. The adoption of an internal hiring policy aimed to ensure transparency and fairness in staff recruitment and promotions. Additionally, the council awarded a compost feasibility study request to Dylan Consulting, emphasizing sustainable waste management practices in Bayside, Chamcook, and St. Andrews.

Community engagement was a key theme throughout the meeting, with consultations and input from residents shaping decision-making processes. The council's dedication to addressing infrastructure development, economic growth, and community well-being was evident in the discussions surrounding rezoning, development projects, and budget allocations. The strategic plan presented by Explore St. Andrews highlighted achievements and future plans to boost the town's tourism economy.


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Video Upload Date: January 17, 2024

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