Halifax's Renaissance woman, Tara Taylor Empowers Artists and Champions Diversity Locally, Nationally and Globally.

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Halifax's Renaissance woman, Tara Taylor Empowers Artists and Champions Diversity Locally, Nationally and Globally.

As the world celebrates this year's International Women's Day, MyCom shines the light on some of the women in our community doing amazing work in their various fields of endeavour. One such women is our guest on this episode of Community Update, Tara Taylor.

Tara Taylor is a multifaceted talent who has left an indelible mark on the arts and entertainment scene in Halifax, nationally and beyond. Tara's impressive resume includes serving as the festival director of the Emerging and Cultural Film Festival, columnist, playwright, and owner of the Braiding Lounge Salon in Halifax.

Hailing from Preston Township, East Preston, Taylor's journey is a testament to her resilience and passion for creativity. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Tara has become a prominent figure, not only in Halifax but also on the national stage.

During the interview, Tara Taylor reflected on her diverse range of interests, from writing musicals to creating resin art inspired by her mother's legacy. Despite her numerous accolades and achievements, Tara remains grounded, emphasizing the
importance of staying true to oneself and uplifting the local community.

A key aspect of Taylor's work is her commitment to promoting diversity and representation in the arts. As a member of organizations like the Playwrights Guild of Canada and Black Women Film! Canada, Tara advocates for greater opportunities for black artists both locally and internationally.

One of Tara's most notable endeavors is her collaboration with Nigerian filmmakers to create a content market for black content. This initiative aims to provide a platform for underrepresented voices and bridge cultural gaps in the entertainment industry.

Throughout the interview, her passion for storytelling and empowering others shone through. She encouraged aspiring artists to fearlessly pursue their dreams, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and starting wherever they are.

As the interview concluded, Tara left viewers with a powerful message: "Start, start, start." Her words serve as a reminder that the first step towards realizing one's creative vision is often the most crucial.

Tara Taylor's impact on the arts and entertainment industry is undeniable. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to diversity continue to inspire and uplift artists around the world. Stay tuned for more updates on Tara's groundbreaking work in the future.


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Video Upload Date: March 12, 2024

Mycom Information Society, MIS, is a non-profit organization established for dissemination of information. MIS is using Community Update (CU), an online community tv platform, to serve the journalistically underrepresented communities. Especially, the visible minority and immigrants in general.


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