The Carr Brothers - Ep 94 "We're Back"

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The Carr Brothers - Ep 94 "We're Back"

New Brunswick's political landscape takes center stage as "The Carr Brothers" return for their season premiere, marking the first in-studio reunion since the COVID-19 pandemic. The trio, composed of Jeff, Jack, and Jody Carr, bring a combined 31 years of elected provincial political experience to their talk show, which aims to provide straightforward analyses of current political and cultural events across the province and often features a special guest.

In the season opener, the brothers reflect on their political journeys and past episodes, offering viewers a nostalgic look at their impactful discussions. Jeff, the current Member of the Legislative Assembly for New Maryland-Sunbury, guides the discussion through multiple topics, from the formation of the New Brunswick Youth Council to the dispute over the newest surgical suite at the DECH. Jack Carr's endorsement of the proactive approach taken by Anglophone West in creating their youth council adds depth, while Jeff's insights into the critical role played by the Chalmers Hospital Foundation in supporting medical equipment underscores the show's commitment to exploring vital community issues.

This episode not only marks a significant reunion but also sets the tone for a season filled with engaging discussions and analyses of local and national events.

"The Carr Brothers" are not just talk show hosts; they are advocates for the community. As Jack Carr expresses, "We want to do the show about politics and the community. We are big supporters of the community." Their commitment to addressing viewer questions live on air adds an interactive and community-driven element to the show, fostering a direct connection with audiences across the province.

Don't miss the chance to be informed, engaged, and entertained as "The Carr Brothers" navigate through the intricate tapestry of New Brunswick's political landscape in their highly anticipated season premiere.


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Video Upload Date: March 12, 2024

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