The Carr Brothers - Ep 99 "Building a Legacy: The Journey to Fredericton's New Performing Arts Center"

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The Carr Brothers - Ep 99 "Building a Legacy: The Journey to Fredericton's New Performing Arts Center"

In the 99th episode of the Car Brothers show, hosts Jack, Jeff, and Jody welcome Tim Yerxa, the executive director of the Fredericton Playhouse, to discuss the bustling programming at the historic venue and the ambitious plans for a new performing arts center.

Reflecting on the journey, Yerxa reminisces, "We've been able to do that through an expansion of programming and expansion of our operations there." With over 23 years at the Playhouse, his commitment to fostering community engagement shines through as he discusses the vibrant local productions and national showcases that grace the stage.

The conversation swiftly transitions to the future, where Yerxa unveils plans for the new performing arts center. "We're building a new performing arts center that's about three times the size of the Playhouse," he explains, outlining a vision for a dynamic community hub that transcends traditional theater spaces.

As the discussion delves into fundraising efforts, Yerxa emphasizes the importance of community participation. "Every gift, large and small, is important," he asserts, underscoring the grassroots support fueling the project's momentum.

With construction underway and a targeted opening in fall 2026, Yerxa paints a vivid picture of the center's innovative design. From a state-of-the-art main hall to flexible performance spaces, the new facility promises to redefine the cultural landscape of Fredericton and beyond.

Wrapping up the interview, Yerxa extends a warm invitation to engage with the project. "You can make a $1,000 donation and have a loved one's name inscribed on one of the seats," he offers, highlighting opportunities for community involvement.

As the Car Brothers bid farewell to their viewers, the stage is set for a new chapter in Fredericton's cultural evolution. With Yerxa at the helm, the journey toward a vibrant performing arts center is a testament to the power of collective vision and shared passion.


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Video Upload Date: March 12, 2024

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