City Hall Update: Changes to Poet Laureate Program, Art Scene, Innovation Centre, and Disc Golf Course

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City Hall Update: Changes to Poet Laureate Program, Art Scene, Innovation Centre, and Disc Golf Course

During the March 6 Infrastructure and Community Investment Committee meeting at Barrie City Hall, Council discussed several key city initiatives, including focusing on public art and community engagement, the Sandbox Center's strategic direction, and the potential development of a new disc golf course and significant changes to the city's poet laureate program. 

Poet Laureate 

Deputy Mayor Robert Thomson's amendment to remove the Barrie Public Library representative, a Poet Laureate from another community, and the municipal culture staff from the Poet Laureate selection committee and replacing them with three members of the council was passed. Thomson did not explain the change, nor did councillors ask any questions. However, Thomson provided a reason behind another change that would reduce the Poet Laureate's term from four years to two years. “It allows the opportunity for more poet laureates which we will be able to expose,” he said. 

Public Art Program 

Carol Ann Ryan, Barrie's Public Art Coordinator, provided an update on the city's Public Art Program. Barrie City Council approved the program in 2012 with a public art policy.

Ryan emphasized the role of public art in celebrating the community's identity.  "Public art beautifies public spaces and engenders civic pride," she said. 

The key highlights included the history and evolution of the program, notable installations like Ron Baird's "Sea Serpent" and John McEwen's "The Horn and The Heart", and various initiatives aimed at integrating public art into the city's fabric. 

The Sandbox Center

Dina Hawker, Managing Director of the Sandbox Centre, highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship in the city's economic and social ecosystem.

The Sandbox Centre is an entrepreneurship and innovation hub that provides resources and spaces to entrepreneurs in Barrie.

Hawker said the Centre has retained 100% of its sponsors to date, showcasing the robust support from the business community.

Disc Golf Course Development

Councillor Jim Harris advocated for a Disc Golf Course in his Ward 8, explaining its potential benefits and the strategic use of city-owned land for the course. The Sandy Hollow Disc Golf Course is located at 434 Ferndale Drive North. The committee voted unanimously to direct staff to investigate the feasibility of developing a disc golf course.


0:0:0 Intro
0:03:00 Public Art Portfolio Update
0:34:00 Sandbox Centre Review
01:03:00 Barrie Poet Laureate 
01:07:00 Disc Golf Course


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Video Upload Date: March 22, 2024

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