Schreiber Council Receives 2022 Year End Audit Presentation.

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TWSP Schreiber, Kim Krause
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Schreiber Council Receives 2022 Year End Audit Presentation.

Mayor Mullins opened this evenings meeting with the introduction of the newly appointed COA Rhonda Smith. The land acknowledgement was read then the agenda was presented.

There was a delegation from Grant Thornton that presented their report for the 2022 year end audit. The statement of financial position provides a summary of assets and liabilities. The report was mostly positive despite some unexpected expenses that occurred over that period. Aging infrastructure can cause problems that are often unpredictable but need to be addressed as timely as possible. 

The regular council meeting then started with the first items being the surplus transfers to various reserves and accounts.
Council accepted the results of the audit then moved on to the Question Period. There were no questions. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as circulated.

A quote for line painting was accepted.
Telephone repairs and replacement equipment for the town hall were approved. 
Debit orders and accounts for payment were ratified and approved.
Unfinished Business approved an appointment to the police services board.
Committee of the whole started with the CAO/clerk report. 
Recreation report was brought forward and focussed on the winter carnival budget and the upcoming heritage days event funding.
The public library board report was brought forward. The accreditation was acknowledged along with the recognition of the co-op programme.
The waste water treatment  report was presented and there are still outstanding issues with the plant that can only be addressed once the repairs and updates are completed.
Under communications council agreed to support an incentive to address college funding.
There was no other business and council wrapped for the evening.


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Video Upload Date: April 19, 2024

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