The Rural Perspective: Panel on Creating Economic Growth Through Rural Tourism

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The Rural Perspective: Panel on Creating Economic Growth Through Rural Tourism

Gold Country is set in the heart of British Columbia’s stunningly diverse Interior. Alpine mountains, wildflower meadows, sagebrush scented desert and vast ranchlands are rich with stories of gold panners, cowboys and Indigenous Culture. Gold Country’s heritage, wildlife and scenery makes every visit a great experience.

The tourism industry in Gold Country is growing and it has been called the "Heart of British Columbia" and the "Capital of the Okanagan". Gold was discovered here in 1864, sparking a major gold rush. Whether you’re looking for a city break or a relaxing country getaway, there are plenty of places to stay close to all that Gold Country has to offer.

Rural communities are an important part of the tourism industry in British Columbia. Communities like Spences Bridge, BC and Ashcroft, BC attract visitors from around the world. In this discussion video, other panelists along with Dana Foster, a LJI Video Journalist will discuss how they would go about making their community more appealing to tourists while supporting the local businesses.

Together with one another, they bring attention to a number of things that may be overlooked but are important factors in attracting tourism to a rural area such as: maintaining scenery and natural surroundings, using local resources as tourist attractions and encouraging people to visit your community.

This Panel Discussion is about ways to showcase the importance of rural tourism. By sharing the panel's opinions and experiences, it provides an inside look at what they believe are some of the best ways to attract tourists. The tourism industry not only helps boost their local businesses but also contribute to the economy in a positive manner.


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Video Upload Date: February 9, 2023
Cache Creek

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