The Carr Brothers - Ep 108 "Voices for Change" They explore health care issues in NB and the failure of government to solve.

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The Carr Brothers - Ep 108 "Voices for Change" They explore health care issues in NB and the failure of government to solve.

In the latest episode 108 of "The Carr Brothers," Jack and Jod dive deep into the heart of New Brunswick's healthcare and disability advocacy with Haley Flaro, executive director of Ability New Brunswick. As the province faces an election year, the conversation orbits around the challenges and systemic barriers facing those with disabilities and the elderly in accessing essential services and supports.

Jack and Jody, with their usual camaraderie and insight, set the stage for a compelling dialogue, lamenting the static state of social programs and policies that fail to reach those in dire need. The budget day revelations, revealing a mere $1.6 million increase against a backdrop of ballooning healthcare demands, become a focal point of frustration. "It's not like we didn't know that. Right? 10-20 years ago," Jack reflects, encapsulating the ongoing struggle against bureaucratic inertia.

Enter Haley Flaro, a beacon of advocacy with over 25 years dedicated to championing the rights of individuals with disabilities. Her critique of the recent budget, devoid of mentions of "disability" or "poverty," underscores a glaring oversight in addressing the needs of a significant portion of New Brunswick's population. "Government is broken," she asserts, echoing the sentiments of a community yearning for systemic reform.

The episode doesn't just highlight problems; it also spotlights the resilience and ingenuity of those fighting for a better tomorrow. Flaro shares success stories from Ability New Brunswick, from advocating for accessible outdoor spaces to pioneering the integration of adapted sport and recreation equipment in schools, showcasing the potential for positive change through collaboration and innovative thinking.

Yet, the specter of medical assistance in dying, chosen by some out of desperation due to systemic failures, casts a shadow over the discussion, prompting a moment of introspection on the value of life and the dignity of choice. It's a sobering reminder of the stakes involved in advocacy and policy-making.

As the Carr brothers wrap up, the episode transcends the boundaries of a mere talk show, morphing into a rallying cry for action, compassion, and change. With the elections on the horizon, Flaro’s parting message resonates with a call to reevaluate our collective expectations from our governments. "We have to start making value-based decisions about what we're looking for in platforms," she urges, challenging viewers to envision a more inclusive and equitable society.

"The Carr Brothers" episode 108 is more than a conversation; it's a testament to the enduring spirit of advocacy and the unyielding quest for justice in the face of adversity. As New Brunswick stands at a crossroads, the voices of Jack, Jody, and Haley Flaro echo a profound truth: change is not only necessary; it's imperative.


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Video Upload Date: March 21, 2024

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