The Carr Brothers - Ep 109 "In Conversation with Morgan Peters - Fredericton Chamber of Commerce CEO"

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The Carr Brothers - Ep 109 "In Conversation with Morgan Peters - Fredericton Chamber of Commerce CEO"

In the 109th episode of "The Carr Brothers Show," the spotlight shines on Morgan Peters, the newly appointed CEO of the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce. Stepping into the role after the legendary Krista Ross's departure to the senate, Peters brings a fresh yet seasoned perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing New Brunswick's business community.

The episode kicks off with the brothers reflecting on the recent budget announcement, critiquing what they feel was a lacklustre approach, especially in a pre-election climate. Their discussion delves deeper into the economic landscape of Fredericton, touching on inflation, healthcare, and the imperative of sustainable growth. The Carr Brothers, with their rich background in provincial politics, lay the groundwork for a conversation deeply rooted in community development and fiscal responsibility.

Enter Morgan Peters, whose journey from a policy advocate to the chamber's CEO is marked by a commitment to fostering a thriving business ecosystem in Fredericton. Under his leadership, the chamber has not only navigated the tumultuous waters of the pandemic but also championed initiatives aimed at integrating the indigenous business community, addressing the healthcare crisis, and supporting the growth of the region's post-secondary education sector.

Peters highlights the chamber's role in advocating for a balanced approach to economic development, emphasizing the need for comprehensive healthcare solutions to attract and retain talent. He sheds light on the intricate relationship between business growth, healthcare accessibility, and immigration, underscoring the challenges posed by federal policies on temporary foreign workers and international students—a crucial pipeline for the region's workforce.

As the conversation unfolds, the significance of infrastructure projects like the Fredericton Playhouse and the regional swimming pool comes to the fore, illustrating the chamber's broader vision for a vibrant, inclusive community. Peters also touches on the hurdles of housing development, critiquing the provincial and federal tax policies that stifle investment and urging for a coherent strategy to address the housing shortage.

The episode is not just a dialogue but a reflection of the Carr Brothers' and Morgan Peters' shared passion for fostering a community where businesses can flourish, citizens can access quality healthcare, and the youth can envision a future. It's a narrative of collaboration, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of Fredericton's business community as they navigate the complexities of economic growth and social responsibility.

As the episode draws to a close, the conversation leaves viewers with a sense of optimism and a call to action—encouraging engagement with the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce, participation in civic discussions, and a collective effort towards building a prosperous, inclusive New Brunswick.


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Video Upload Date: March 28, 2024

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