Bengali and Tamil New Year Community Celebration Fosters Togetherness in Regent Park

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Bengali and Tamil New Year Community Celebration Fosters Togetherness in Regent Park

By Fred Alvarado Fred is a community journalist with FOCUS MEDIA ARTS CENTRE

Fred Victor recently hosted a vibrant celebration at 40 Oak St., commemorating Bengali and Tamil New Year, alongside Eid Mubarak. The event was a kaleidoscope of colors and cultures, attended by a significant number of Regent Park residents. The event brought together people of different faiths and backgrounds, highlighting the inclusive spirit of Bengali New Year as a cultural holiday cherished by all.

As the only agency celebrating Bengali and Tamil New Year in Regent Park, this event holds special significance, especially given the predominantly South Asian background of its gardeners. The celebration featured an array of activities, including traditional cuisine, captivating garden displays, intricate henna art, mesmerizing dance performances, and engaging children's activities. Pohela Boishakh, the Bengali New Year, was celebrated with fervor, with the color red symbolizing the vibrant commencement of the new year.

A highlight of the event was undoubtedly the showcase of Bengali cuisine, which tantalized the taste buds of attendees with its rich tapestry of flavours. The culinary delights, meticulously crafted by the talented Banglar Saad catering group, comprised of newcomer women from the neighborhood, left a lasting impression. Led by the visionary Ashrafi Ahmed, whose expertise shines as the coordinator of the Regent Park Community Food Centre's gardens, the team's culinary prowess garnered widespread acclaim.

RPTV reporter Jabin Haque, who has Bengali roots, was deeply engaged with the community, conducting interviews and capturing the vibrant spirit of the event. Reflecting on the celebration, Jabin expressed gratitude for the opportunity to showcase the rich cultural diversity of Regent Park and the unity fostered through such joyous occasion.


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Video Upload Date: April 22, 2024

FOCUS Media Arts Centre (FOCUS) is a not-for-profit organization that was established in 1990 to counter negative media stereotypes of low income communities and provide relevant information to residents living in the Regent Park area and surrounding communities.

We seek to empower marginalized individuals and under represented communities to have a voice, through the  use of professional training, mentorships and participatory based media practices that enable the sharing of stories, experiences and perspectives on relevant matters and issues. In brief our mandate is to empower marginalized individuals and under-serviced communities to have a voice and tell their own stories.


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