Generation Gap: Understanding Differences in Today's Society especially in Farsi speaking Vancouverites

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Generation Gap: Understanding Differences in Today's Society especially in Farsi speaking Vancouverites

When discussing the nuances of how successive generations are brought up, it's evident there are significant differences that can sometimes create a communication gap between generations. In today's technologically driven society, where our children and younger generations have different needs and expectations, bridging this gap becomes more crucial than ever.

Today's seminar at the North Vancouver Legion Center brings together a diverse group of attendees, spanning different generations, all eager to bridge the gap between themselves and their younger counterparts, whether they be their children or grandchildren. This collaborative event between Skyrise Media Society, the Iranian Society in North Vancouver and Middle Peace Society is facilitated by hosts Sherry Soltani, Samira Gholami, and Poran Poregbal.

Sherry begins the introduction by outlining the program's objectives and highlights key principles essential for bridging theses gaps: Sherry acknowledges the unique perspectives shaped by different eras, including the transition from traditional to tech-savvy mindsets influenced by advancements in technology, communication modes and AI. Despite these differences, she emphasizes the importance of shared human values like love and respect in fostering understanding and connection. Sherry encourages participants to approach the seminar with open minds, ready to learn from each other and build a more inclusive society.

Poran reflects, "Aging is viewed differently across cultures. While some see it as lonely, others find closer connections. In our Iranian community, gathering fosters belonging. It's a time for positive conversations about generational gaps and appreciating the younger ones.

Poran also shared personal stories about her children, emphasizing two key points:

Adaptability: She stresses the importance of adjusting communication styles to suit different generations, whether in-person or through digital platforms.

Building Common Ground: Poran highlights the significance of finding shared values to foster connections within families and communities, bridging generational gaps.

Samira stresses the importance of connecting with the younger generation by sharing stories, discussing heritage, and embracing culture. She highlights the significance of understanding their needs, respecting their ideas, and finding common ground through shared goals.

Several audience members shared their personal stories, highlighting common challenges. One individual expressed the difficulty of bridging the generational gap, particularly within immigrant families with diverse values. They noted that the influx of new communications technology is eroding traditional family values and respect, making it increasingly challenging to connect with younger generations.

Poran responded : Thank you for sharing. Many families face similar challenges balancing tradition with technological change. Open communication and shared activities can bridge the generational gap, fostering mutual understanding and respect. Though adaptation takes time, working together strengthens family bonds.

Samira explored the modern lifestyle changes driven by technology, societal shifts, and economics. She emphasized the necessity of adapting to these changes for personal growth. Samira highlighted the importance of understanding intergenerational dynamics and bridging gaps between different age groups by respecting each other's lifestyles.

At the end of the session, the audience engaged in an open discussion. Sherry concluded by expressing gratitude for everyone's participation. She emphasized that technology is not inherently negative; rather, it's essential for everyone to adapt to today's lifestyle. Sherry highlighted the importance of continual learning and understanding that each day brings new insights. She stressed the need for patience and time to engage and involve ourselves in the needs of younger generations.

Audience speakers include: Farideh Zahedi, Sadegh Aeen, Zari Amnin, Sadar Mirzania, and Nayer.

North Vancouver Iranian Society speakers are Mr. Sadegi and Mrs. Sadegi.

Volunteer hosts: Poran Poregbal and Samira Gholami

In collaboration with non-profit organizations :The North Vancouver Iranian Society, Middle Peace Society, and Skyrise Media Society.

Journalist: Sherry Soltani

Skyrise Media Society


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Video Upload Date: April 10, 2024

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