Regent Park: Mid-Year Check-In with Councillor Moise

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Regent Park: Mid-Year Check-In with Councillor Moise

By Dimitrije Martinovic
Dimitrije is a community journalist with FOCUS MEDIA ARTS CENTRE

On April 15, 2024, RPTV visited Councillor Moise at his constituency office in Regent Park to discuss key issues in the area. Topics included the Allan Gardens encampments, the Regent Park Revitalization Phases 4 and 5, affordable housing, and the renaming of Dundas Square. Moise also addressed the Regent Park Social Development Plan and its recent developments.

Councillor Moise shared insights on various challenges in the downtown east area. Regarding the Allan Gardens encampments, he emphasized his opposition to encampments due to safety concerns and a preference for long-term housing solutions. Progress has been made in relocating former park residents to temporary or permanent housing.

As the Regent Park revitalization progresses, Moise reiterated the addition of 640+ affordable housing units through recent rezoning efforts. Despite the ongoing need for Rent Geared to Income (RGI) units, the supply remains insufficient to meet demand.

On the renaming of Dundas Square, Moise supports changing the name to Sankofa Square, citing the controversial history associated with Henry Dundas and the need to respect Toronto's current demographics.

Moise also discussed the Regent Park Social Development Plan (SDP), a five-year initiative with a $2.5 million budget. The SDP supports working groups that promote social and economic opportunities for residents and stakeholders. However, recent scrutiny of the plan may lead to reassessments moving forward.

Councillor Moise's mid-year check-in highlighted progress and challenges in Regent Park, emphasizing the importance of long-term housing solutions, affordable housing developments, and addressing historical injustices. The discussion also touched on the future of the Regent Park Social Development Plan, which may face changes to ensure effectiveness and transparency.



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Video Upload Date: April 18, 2024

FOCUS Media Arts Centre (FOCUS) is a not-for-profit organization that was established in 1990 to counter negative media stereotypes of low income communities and provide relevant information to residents living in the Regent Park area and surrounding communities.

We seek to empower marginalized individuals and under represented communities to have a voice, through the  use of professional training, mentorships and participatory based media practices that enable the sharing of stories, experiences and perspectives on relevant matters and issues. In brief our mandate is to empower marginalized individuals and under-serviced communities to have a voice and tell their own stories.


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