The Carr Brothers - Ep 104 "Kelly Lamrock, NB Child & Youth Advocate”

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The Carr Brothers - Ep 104 "Kelly Lamrock, NB Child & Youth Advocate”

Step into the heart of local politics with Episode 104 of The Carr Brothers, where Jack and Jeff engage in a riveting conversation with first-time guest, Kelly Lamrock – former Minister of Education and Social Services, as well as the Child & Youth Advocate and Seniors Advocate for New Brunswick.

Broadcasted live on CHCO TV, YouTube, and Facebook, this episode garnered over 1000 views, attesting to its undeniable relevance within the local community.

Filmed in the vibrant city of Fredericton at Context Media Studios, the trio delves into critical political topics. The highlight of the episode revolves around the upcoming long-term care services report, crafted through six months of consultations. Their discussion encompasses recommendations for provincial changes benefiting seniors, staff challenges, government reporting intricacies, and the new approach of annual monitoring reports.

Jack Carr poses a poignant question, setting the tone for the episode's depth: "We need to understand what truly is success here, what is our outcome and how do we measure it so we can say we are doing a good job?"

Kelly Lamrock challenges the status quo with insightful remarks: "I often say we work on a compliance model, not on a results model… What would happen if we focused on the goal of getting people off social assistance instead of following the rules?"

Later in the episode, the trio navigates through the struggles of existing social systems, Lamrock's political journey, the gaps in the Child Protection Act, and Lamrock's stance on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) for mental health.

Lamrock passionately asserts, "There is nothing progressive to me about saying you can end your life by right but you have no right to services that might make life bearable. Until that is fixed I think the government needs to follow the advice they are getting and hit the pause on this."

The episode concludes with a dynamic Q&A session from live Facebook viewers, unveiling a surprising tidbit – Kelly Lamrock has a share in the Green Bay Packers NFL team, the only community-owned NFL team.

"The Carr Brothers" skillfully navigate current political issues, captivating their local audience through an engaging live online chat that encourages community involvement and tackles the real questions. Don't miss this insightful episode that brings the pulse of local politics directly to your screens.


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Video Upload Date: March 12, 2024

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