The Carr Brothers - Ep 107 "Inside the World of Independent Journalism with Don McPherson"

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The Carr Brothers - Ep 107 "Inside the World of Independent Journalism with Don McPherson"

In this episode of the politically seasoned Carr brothers, they chat amongst themselves about some of the news of the time and how their lives have been touched by them. They also have independent journalist and long-time court reporter, Don McPherson, talk about his experiences.

In the world of independent journalism, Don McPherson stands out as a seasoned court reporter with over 20 years of experience. In episode 107 of the Car Brothers show, McPherson sat down to discuss his transition from mainstream media to founding the Fredericton Independent. The conversation shed light on the evolving landscape of journalism, the importance of local news, and the unique challenges faced by independent reporters.

McPherson's journey into court reporting began early in his career, when he shadowed veteran reporters and fell in love with the intricacies of the legal system. His passion for journalism led him to cover a wide range of stories, but it was the courtroom drama that captured his interest the most.

Reflecting on his decision to leave mainstream media and launch the Fredericton Independent, McPherson emphasized the need for a platform where he could focus solely on court reporting. With the support of a voluntary buyout from Brunswick News, McPherson took the leap and embarked on a new chapter in his journalistic career.

The Fredericton Independent, launched in early 2023, quickly gained traction as a source of in-depth court coverage and analysis. McPherson's commitment to delivering comprehensive stories, coupled with the flexibility of the Substack platform, allowed him to engage with readers and build a loyal subscriber base.

Despite the success of the Fredericton Independent, McPherson acknowledged the challenges of running a one-man operation. Balancing the demands of reporting with the responsibilities of running a business required careful planning and adaptability. Yet, McPherson remained optimistic about the future, expressing his desire to expand coverage and potentially bring in additional reporters.

Throughout the interview, McPherson highlighted the importance of beat reporting and the value of local news in communities like New Brunswick. While mainstream media outlets faced shrinking newsrooms and dwindling resources, independent journalists like McPherson continued to fill the gap by providing in-depth coverage of important issues.

As the conversation came to a close, McPherson reflected on the evolution of journalism in the digital age and the role of social media in shaping public discourse. While social media offered new opportunities for engagement, it also posed challenges in maintaining journalistic integrity and credibility.

In the end, McPherson's dedication to court reporting and independent journalism remained unwavering. With each story he told and each subscriber he gained, McPherson reaffirmed his commitment to serving the public and upholding the principles of honest and transparent reporting.


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Video Upload Date: March 12, 2024

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