Council Candidate Predicts Sweeping Change in Richmond County

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Council Candidate Predicts Sweeping Change in Richmond County

ARICHAT - A veteran of the local sports scene who has provided training for new hockey referees and served as a minor baseball coach and umpire, Michael Diggdon is hoping to cross the finish line as the victorious candidate in Richmond County's District Two when the municipal election ballots are counted this coming Saturday. 

As his first municipal campaign draws to a close, Diggdon feels confident enough to say "when" and not "if" when he speaks of a potential election victory over his two contenders, fellow first-timer Carolyn Clackdoyle and former Richmond councilor Gerry Bourque, who represented western Isle Madame at the municipal level from 1985 to 2004. 

"I feel good - I have a lot of people supporting me," Diggdon told TELILE 24/7 host Adam Cooke during an interview conducted 72 hours before the final round of voting begins on Saturday morning. 

As a longtime community volunteer whose present roles include president of both the Isle Madame Volunteer Fire Department and the Acadiaville Community Centre, a local hall based in his home of West Arichat, Diggdon feels he has developed the skills to make him a true team player and collaborate with others if he is sworn in as a councilor later this month. 

However, while his campaign is centering on such local issues as upgraded internet service, senior care and affordable housing, Diggdon points out that District Two voters are curious about the overall makeup of council, not just their own constituency. To that end, he is predicting that as many as four out of the current five council districts will elect new representatives this Saturday, including himself. 


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Video Upload Date: October 14, 2020

TV TELILE is a unique community television station in Nova Scotia. They are found on Channel 10 using an antenna, Channel 4 on the EastLink cable system in western Richmond County, and on Channel 5 on the Seaside cable system in eastern Richmond County. They are also on the Seaside cable system along Eastern Cape Breton from New Waterford and Glace Bay to Louisbourg and St Peters, and is now on the Bell Satellite system on Channel 536!

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